Quiz Application
A practical Svelte example: Create an interactive quiz with scoring and timer functionality
What You'll Learn
- Managing quiz state with Svelte stores
- Implementing countdown timer
- Handling user interactions
- Score calculation and progress tracking
- Adding animations and transitions
Project Structure
quiz-app/ ├── src/ │ ├── lib/ │ │ ├── Question.svelte │ │ ├── Timer.svelte │ │ ├── ScoreBoard.svelte │ │ └── ProgressBar.svelte │ ├── stores/ │ │ ├── quiz.js │ │ └── timer.js │ ├── data/ │ │ └── questions.js │ └── App.svelte ├── public/ │ └── index.html └── package.json
Key Features
- Multiple choice questions
- Countdown timer for each question
- Progress tracking
- Score calculation
- Results summary
- Question feedback
- Retry functionality