Todo List App
Build a complete todo app with local storage, filters, and CRUD operations
Weather Widget
Create a weather widget using API calls and dynamic updates
Interactive Form
Build a form with real-time validation and error handling
Image Gallery
Create a responsive image gallery with lightbox and transitions
Shopping Cart
Build a functional shopping cart with state management
Markdown Editor
Create a live markdown editor with preview panel
Quiz Application
Build an interactive quiz with scoring and timer
Counter App
Build a simple counter with increment, decrement, and reset functionality
Color Picker
Create a simple color picker with RGB sliders and hex output
Tip Calculator
Build a tip calculator with bill amount, tip percentage, and split options
Password Generator
Create a password generator with customizable options and copy functionality
Note Taking App
Build a simple note-taking app with local storage and categories
Countdown Timer
Create a customizable countdown timer with pause and reset functionality
BMI Calculator
Build a BMI calculator with metric and imperial unit conversion
Recipe Finder
Create a recipe search app using a food API with filtering options
Expense Tracker
Build an expense tracking app with categories and statistics
Memory Game
Create a card matching memory game with animations and scoring
Pomodoro Timer
Build a Pomodoro timer with work/break cycles and notifications
Movie Search
Create a movie search app using TMDB API with detailed movie info
Drawing App
Build a simple drawing app with different colors and brush sizes
Music Player
Create a music player with playlist management and audio controls
Vocabulary Flashcards
Build a flashcard app for learning vocabulary with spaced repetition